Hey kids, we're fumbling around blindly here and need some feedback. Early this morning, Ray from DetroitWonk mentioned he was having trouble. Then Davey G. couldn't get on. Spinelli commented that it'd been weird all day. And then Farago e-mailed and said he couldn't log in, either. So we're asking if you've had trouble getting on today not the usual crash stuff because of our wacky design (which will be rectified soon, promise!), but serious no-fly-zone stuff where you simply can't connect to the server. So we've put together a generic login for all y'all who don't have commenter status to log in and tell us how it's been affecting you: [UPDATE: We've collected enough data, and thanks to everyone who wrote in.]
Like Wayne Newton, We're Danke Sch nin'
Los Jalopniks.