Big Pumpkin Is Out To Destroy Everything It Can Including A Nissan Maxima
I love a good homemade pumpkin pie as much as anybody, but can we all admit that Big Pumpkin is out of control? First, Oktoberfest taps at the pub get crowded out by gross pumpkin beers. Then "pumpkin spice" infects everything else that's potentially edible. Now Big Pumpkin crushed a perfectly good car.
Okay, fine, it was just a beige Nissan Maxima, but who knows what's next? Big Pumpkin's quest to crush everything clearly can't be stopped.
"It's kind of a shame," event organizer Brennan Mills told CBC. "It's actually a nice-looking car."
Fortunately, this time, Big Pumpkin's evil crushing powers were harnessed for good. The dropping of this 1,300-pound pumpkin was put together by an insurance industry fraternity called the Honourable Order of the Blue Goose International as a way to raise funds for the Saskatoon Fire Fighters Pediatric Fund, CBC reports.
The car itself had been donated by Saskatchewan Government Insurance, as it had gone unclaimed for some time. A 131-foot crane lifted the pumpkin high in the air, where it was dropped on top of the Maxima.
Ever wondered what damage a 1,300-pound pumpkin could do to a car? Pumpkin drop @BlackFoxSpirits #yxe was "epic" according to the 8 yr old.
— Laura Monchuk (@SaskMomDotCom) October 15, 2017
The event was a success for everyone except the pumpkin and the car, raising $9,000 for the fund.
"What else are you going to do on a Sunday in October?" Mills told CBC.
[H/T Darwin via Vice!]