Best Buds In Acura Legend And TSX Roll To 555,555 Miles AT THE SAME TIME

You and your best friend do everything together. Go to the movies together. Go on vacation together. Read the same books. Watch the same TV shows and hit the same mileage milestones in your awesome Acuras. Friendship is a miracle!

The best buds in this case own a 1994 Acura Legend Coupe and a 2005 Acura TSX, and both cars rolled onto the 555,555-mile mark at the same time and place. That's some synchronization!

We are all born with a soul and every soul reaches out. It extends its grasp across space and time, searching for a mate, and occasionally, another soul answers. The two are brought together, even though the mortal vessels were created a full decade apart.

And then beautiful things like this happen.

(h/t to Paulo!)

