Behold The Mother Of All Dirt Bike Crash Compilations

I don't like "crash porn" as a rule because it tends to cram motorcycling into a bad cliché. But the Romaniacs enduro race is so extreme, the obstacles so outlandish, that it really is best appreciated with this ridiculous highlight reel of carnage.

The Romaniacs Rallye is part navigation rally, part single-track race, part straight-up obstacle course run on long-range dirt bikes.

Sibiu, Romania basically becomes the personal hell of however many riders are insane enough to subject themselves to the competition every year. The 2016 race lasted five days including a rally "prologue" through the Sibiu streets.

This year was the 13th running of Romaniacs. We have former pro snowboarder and dirt bike enthusiast Martin Freinademetz to thank for coming up with the idea and getting it started. He still plays a role in making it happen, and now that Red Bull's involved it's a beautiful big-budget production with live streaming video and the craziest terrain dreamed up since ExciteBike was out on the original Nintendo console.

You'll see.

