It is always interesting to see what surplus military hardware ends up on the private market. While browsing…
It is always interesting to see what surplus military hardware ends up on the private market. While browsing…
Just what the hell was that sonic boom everyone heard in New York and New Jersey this afternoon? Nobody has come…
Today the world got to know the jet that’s critical to Japan’s indigenous fighter design future. Until now, photos…
The F-35 was supposed to wow aviation spectators and weapons buyers at air shows in the UK two years ago, but an…
The Sniper targeting pod-equipped B-1B Lancer has been an incredibly effective weapon system when it comes to…
Our friend and renowned advertising photographer Blair Bunting has fallen in love with shooting military aviation…
Conan O’Brien got the opportunity last fall to visit American troops at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, with First Lady…
Donald Rumsfeld remains a enigmatic and controversial figure. As Secretary of Defense during the invasion of Iraq, a…
Seeing F-22s deploy internationally is nothing new, but usually it’s in relatively small groups of four to eight jets
Russia continues to use heavy bombers to fight anti-Assad regime insurgents and ISIS fighters in Syria. Today, the…
The U.S. government continues to try to cope with the rise of the drones, both those in their own hands and in yours.…
Our good friend Frank Crebas of Bluelife Aviation Photography captured these amazing images of a 64th Aggressor…
Qatar asked for clearance from the U.S. Government to purchase 72 F-15E Strike Eagle derivatives, but the request…
Highway 80 was a six lane highway leading across the desert from Basra, Iraq to Kuwait City. It was one of the main…
While the East Coast turns into a less-than-wonderful winter wonderland, the Department of Defense can rest assured…
When most people think about Desert Storm, they probably imagine Saddam and his forces being contained and battered…
Halting production at just 187 F-22 Raptors was one of the dumbest military procurement decisions in decades, and…
During Operation Desert Storm, a creative war plan was put into action that aimed at making Saddam’s forces think…
Fleet Week is always a big deal in San Francisco, but just like other military showcases these days it seems…