Ryan Erik King

Photo of Ryan Erik King
New York, NY
University Of Pittsburgh
Motorsport, Automotive History, Aerospace
  • Ryan has a collection of motorsport periodicals dating back to the late 19th century.
  • He started off juggling college classes, selling major appliances, and attending race events.
  • He live-blogged a minute-by-minute account of the 1894 Paris-Rouen to commemorate the inaugural organized car race's 125th anniversary.


Ryan has been writing and talking about every aspect of motorsport since 2014, from covering on-track action at IndyCar events to analyzing the political maneuvers in Formula 1. Since joining Jalopnik, his purview has expanded to include recounting stories from transportation history, explaining the government policy that impacts how we travel, and covering the constant chaos of commercial aviation.

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Stories By Ryan Erik King