Kat Callahan
Previously Correspondent, Asia at Jalopnik and LGBT Editor at Jezebel. Lover of the Oxford Comma, despite AP Style, and the Commonwealth "S."

EK, yes. EP3, not exactly, no. EP3 dimensions are more Logo like, actually. They both sort of look like eggs, the EP3 and the GA3 have similar height vs the EK, and the EP3 interior size is actually narrower than the EK because of the height difference... just like the GA3. That’s why I thought the EP3 carpet would

I’m 5'10, so I don’t wear heels, but I do wear a lot of dress shoes. Loafers, lots of loafers, with hard heels? I dunno. I grind down the mats, so they get flattened, dirty, and discolored fairly quickly. I’ve never ordered custom mats or Type-R mats because they’re very expensive even used, and I hate to spend that Read more

“Here” means Japan. And yes, I went to Up Garage, a used car parts store, where I found both of the Recaros, one with rails that just bolted on directly and my Tanabe springs. I also use Yahoo, Ebay, and Amazon Japan. Japanese sellers of Japanese parts with Japanese shipping. Cheap.

They’re $1 bathmats! If you can believe that! They’re kind of there as a combination place holder for something better and because, honestly, I destroy floor mats pretty quickly. I think I’d only use a real set when displaying the car at a C&C/meetup or something. Otherwise I’d just ruin them. Read more

Naw, like less than $300 each here in Japan. Cars and car parts are dirt cheap here. Read more

One does not usually consider “ultimate poser mobile” the friendly enthusiast equivalent of “do you.” And I think you were aware of that when you wrote it. Read more

Sir, you may need to sit down. You’re.... well... you’re from a parallel universe and... well.. YOU’RE the backwards one. Read more

ありがとうございました! 頑張りました。 Read more

...Yeah which is exactly what I did. My 2000 Civic DIDN’T require that, so I wasn’t expecting the amount of jimmying I had to do, and as I said, slipped, and derp... but you know, no big deal. It’s a $975 car, and it’s a learning process. Read more

...this is a good idea. Cheap enough that, honestly, that might be the way to go. I know how to sew, so I could make a pretty nice looking seem to add the side walls. Read more

You are missing the point, dear reader. OF COURSE I could buy an EK9, if I settled for a 96-98, I could go more like $6K. I even actually have the money to do so.

Since the TSs ONLY come in automatic, and I can’t swap in something like an EK9 cluster (at least not without changing all the wiring connections, no thanks), the best cluster (this one) has the PRNDL. I’ve already drawn up a design to modify the bezel when the time comes to just cover it up. No big deal. Read more

Yes. I thought in many places in Europe you also had to pass a test with a manual to drive a manual. Read more

In Japan you need a MT license, yes. This is true in most of Europe as well. I believe most countries consider U.S.ians to be a bit... overly generous with our licensing procedures. Read more

It’s stock on the TS! And yes, it’s shared with the ITR! I guess it was just old stock and they decided to use it for the Logo TS as well. All I did was add red to the H. I’m happy with it. No need to replace it, as it’s a real Type-R steering wheel already. Read more