Introduced to the world for the 1936 Olympics, the BMW 328 was an (almost) instant classic that went on to dominate…
Introduced to the world for the 1936 Olympics, the BMW 328 was an (almost) instant classic that went on to dominate…
The Glas Goggomobil is yet another post-war German microcar from a sewing machine manufacturer with a puny engine in…
While we long ago accepted the fact that some animals are more equal than others, we hate this fat prick's face. And…
Our new favorite site, English Russia states emphatically, "In Russia you even nowadays can meet very rare BMWs."…
When people think of post-war BMWs, the first car that comes to mind is the funktastic three/four-wheeled Isetta.…
We promise, this is the last time Jalopnik readers will see a post about DAF for a long, long while (unless of…
All the hottest Citroens are present and accounted for; the Traction Avant, the 2CV, the Xantia, the SM, the DS, the…
Proof that pictures are only worth 973 words.
Pictured is Anne-C cile Rose-Itier, the first woman to race at Le Mans, standing next to her sexy Adler Trumpf Le…
Our sister rocks a Civic Coupe, but only because she drove a bunch of cars she thought looked cool and found it to…
Here's one you won't see on Wrecked Exotics. We should probably just turn this into a photo caption-a-thon, as we…
True, we've been wearing the same pants for a week, but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate the finer things in…
That's a microcar with suicide doors. Johnson's goose cooking suicide doors. But just two, as the driver's side…
If we had $275,000 to spend on a vehicle, we probably wouldn't purchase this here French classic. Johnson would no…
For those paying attention to our lunatic ramblings, and seeing as how after 6:00pm we exist in the form of our…
Americans can't buy many cars that weigh less than a ton and we can't buy many diesels that weigh less than three.…
Only thing is, the Brussels World's Fair took place seventeen-years after the Chicago World's Fair of 1893. Yes,…
I am calling for a twelve-hour cease fire in the DAF vs. FAF Holy War. Why? Davey has a super-solid point — English…
Rubber bands, boxer engine, fiberglass body, retro-design and a inflatable dolphin! And yeah, it's a Camino. You…
Go ahead, dude. Seriously, go ahead and even try to front on the quadruple-radical, insane mind-breaking magnitude…