Brian, The Life of

I had a customer Schneider cam made for my truck and have one of their stickers on the back window. Does that make me a nazi? I mean, sure, the nazis used the iron cross but it is hardly nazi iconography since it predates those shitheals by more than 100 years and is still used by the German Army today - and modeern

It’s the apex seals. They are either shot or there is a bunch of carbon buildup from running it at too low RPM back when it was on the road. Clean the plugs, start it and bounce it off the rev limiter for a bit. That will address the carbon buildup if that’s the issue. If not, either new apex seals or a 13b swap, Read more

One of my father-in-law’s best friends was a lead laser physicist on the SDI program. After the program was killed, he took his pew-pew chops and branched out. He was the one to figure out how to use lasers to clean the stealth coating on the F-117, how to use them to restore and preserve the color of the Huang Read more

Yeah, Eddie himself is on record saying his old bits are really cringe worthy. He gets it, all right.  Read more

Just charge me $30 to rent new releases at home. I never want to go back to those cesspools of fecal matter and overprices Skittles. Read more

A friend had one in high school. When the concept of “slow car, fast” first came up here years ago, his car was the first one I thought of. We had so much fun hooning that thing on the dirt roads of our high-desert hometown - like some sort of one-car fantasy rally :D Read more

Hmmm - he’s moving to a part of Texas where the cost of living is increasing and the highest in that state. Meanwhile, Newsome is implementing measure designed to increase residential inventory in California with particular focus on affordable housing. Read more

2nd gen Ford Escorts would run forever!

DAMN! I knew there was a reason I wanted to win that Powerball jackpot ...
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Maybe you’re the only owner because it’s private? I wanted to join but couldn’t find it :( Read more

The chip shortage was primarily caused by the pandemic so this cancellation pretty much is just because of COVID-19 Read more

It’s like “brothers-in-law;” sounds a tiny bit awkward but is grammatically correct Read more