Aaron Brown
Former Jalopnik social media editor.

If they don't pass ultra-violet light tests, then they probably aren't getting into a lot of bars in my area (at least not the popular, party with college kids bars) Read more

I think that's pretty much wrapped up in all of these, but just to be clear–use your turn signal. Read more

At first I thought this was the Jalop staff. My first instinct was Christian Bale should play Travis. Read more

My theory is that exotic manufacturers actually make their cars out of stuff that will burn to a crisp, so there aren't a bunch of exotics in the used market that have been repaired after bad accidents. Read more

The Vette. It offers so much for its price and while I obviously haven't seen the AMG GT in person yet, the Stingray looks better than the F-Type and the 911.


For the record "needs more rally" is Raph's answer to everything. Read more