Whether this weekend is one of deep religious importance or just a good excuse to eat candy, it's fairly hard not to…
Whether this weekend is one of deep religious importance or just a good excuse to eat candy, it's fairly hard not to…
Everyone knows the best way to kill vampires is with a wooden stake through the heart. It appears from these…
When Nitrous Oxide explodes inside an engine it allows more oxygen and consequently more fuel to enter, creating…
If you've never heard of a Vector M12, we can't say we are shocked, only 18 were built between 1995 and 1999 before…
If the first thought that comes to mind when considering a vehicle once rated "unacceptable" by Consumer Reports…
What is the best way to make a malaise machine seem like the shiny squeak-free new car you've always desired? It…
What is the worst thing that could happen to your recently acquired ultra-rare 1937 Mercedes 500 K Roadster while…
Chevrolet produced this dealer training video to aid salesman in the unenviable task of trying to convince buyers…
While some might argue an old Volvo doesn't look quite right unless it has a little rust on it, we prefer the looks…
Behold the world's largest vintage Mustang junkyard—at least that is what we think it is. We certainly haven't ever…
An unidentified man was taken into custody after crashing his Mercedes in downtown Ft. Worth, TX while completely…
Instead of wowing you with our story about the return of the Pontiac Aztec for 2015 or reporting this time the El…
Since the early days of the automobile, cars have been predominantly powered by engines with an even number of…
The fact Saab never did anything in a conventional manner is just one of the many reasons we're going to miss the…
Marketing research company Strategic Vision recently completed a study that sought to identify what new vehicles…
Put a vehicle notorious for its inability to safely navigate a perfectly straight drag strip on a driveway race…
Any vehicle that is post-op car to car-truck hybrid is bound to be a bizarre creation, but switching a rare example…
The Toyota GT-86 or Scion FRS as it will be known over here, is the lightweight driver's car that proves Toyota…
Considering the last new 1967 Chevrolet Impala rolled off the assembly line 45 years ago, we'd say this original…
When erratic driving turns into a lucky but awesome "lane change", we are once again thankful so many Russian…