Are You Older Than Four-Time F1 World Champion Sebastian Vettel?
It's Formula One quadruple world champion Sebastian Vettel's birthday today. Here's a handy guide to check if you are older than he is.
SebVet turns 27 today, meaning he has seen 27 (twenty-seven) years pass by his eyeballs, eyeballs that have also seen four (4) world driver's championship trophies pass into his possession.
This is Vettel's birthday cake. Like all Germans, Vettel enjoyed a traditional Tränekuchen, made out of the tears of his enemies.
Here's how you can tell if you are older or younger than Mr. Vettel; if you still have time to win four F1 world driver's championships by the age of 27 or not, respectively.
1. Is your birthday before July 3rd, 1987 (or, as Vettel would write it, 3.7.1987)?
2. Is your birthday after July 3rd, 1987?
If you answered 'yes' to question number one, you are older than Sebastian Vettel, and you will never win four (4) F1 world championships at a younger age than he did.
If you answered 'yes' to question number two, you are younger than Sebastian Vettel. Since Vet snatched his fourth title at the ripe old age of 26, if you are any age from zero to 22, you may still have a chance to top his championships run. I suggest you drive to your nearest Mercedes dealership as soon as possible to get started.
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