Are Newer Used Cars More Reliable Than Old Cars?
My friendly coworkers spent much of this summer holding me back from physically and verbally attacking our now-late intern, Mack Hogan. Not because of his overbearing friendliness or constant spewing of bad takes. But rather, because he has no idea about car buying.
It's maddening. The poor kid doesn't know any better. He actually thinks that newer used cars are objectively more reliable than older used cars. It's like he's never even owned an E60 M5 or has sat in a broken-down Alfa Romeo Giulia in a random parking lot.
Ugh, I need to breathe.
In this episode of Carguments, I argue with Mack about whether car buyers are better off with cars that are just a few years old, or ones that are decades old but have still been decently maintained.
Though I have already assured myself of my correctness, let us know in the comments if you have a particular stance on this topic.
Image credit in video: Brian Silvestro (Porsche 944 on lift)