Archaeologists Find 5,000 Year Old Toy Chariot In Ancient Turkish Settlement
5,000 year old toy #chariot discovered in ancient city of #Soğmatar #Turkey
— Sarah (@Sarah404BC) October 7, 2017
A toy chariot estimated to be 5,000 years old has been discovered as part of an ongoing excavation in one of the oldest settlements of the world, according to reports, and it's seriously awesome.
The item was discovered during a dig in the ancient city of Sogmatar, Turkey, according to the International Business Times UK, chalking it up as a "rare and fascinating glimpse into how children in the Bronze Age used to play."
Here's IBT with more context on where the toy chariot was discovered:
Thought to be one of the oldest settlements in the world, Sogmatar is also believed to be where Moses fled in Biblical times after escaping Egypt. Archaeological digs began in the area – 80km (50 miles) from the city of Şanlıurfa – in May 2017 and have uncovered several tombs, including one containing the toys.
Pull up one of those images from the top shot, and look at the detail here! The precision is lovely.
Celal Uludag, the head of the Sogmatar excavations, said the toy carriage and its wheels were discovered near a cemetary, IBT reports, citing the Turkish news agency Andalou.
Stunning 5,000-year-old toy chariot found in tomb at #ancient #Turkish city where Moses may have lived. #Turkey
— World History Encyclopedia (@whencyclopedia) October 17, 2017
"The toy dates back to the Bronze Age and is thought to have been produced for the children of kings or administrators in the city," Uludag reportedly told the new agency. "It shows us the sense of art and children's sense of play 5,000 years ago."
The IBT story has a stellar rundown of the excavation. I'm definitely looking forward to see what else they come up with.