Remember some months back when Aston Martin and Mercedes-Benz announced a technical partnership to build engines together? The contract has officially been signed this week and now we know what they're going to build: V8s.
The bespoke v8 engines, co-developed by Mercedes-AMG, will be for Aston Martin models, which currently have a less-than-stellar lineup of older engines derived from Ford and Jaguar Land Rover.
And, as previously announced, Mercedes-AMG gets 5% of nonvoting equity in Aston Martin and "observer status" on AM's board. And there's this, too:
The parties are working to conclude the terms of an additional cooperation for the supply of electric/electronic (E/E) components. Furthermore, the two groups will investigate additional areas of cooperation in the future.
No word on when production begins but we know already Aston Martin has at least one new model in the pipeline.