Check Out The Total Chaos The CrowdStrike Outage Unleashed On Airports Worldwide

Take a look at some of the wildest scenes from backed-up airports.

A problem with CrowdStrike security software crashed computer systems overnight, bringing everything from stores to banks and even airports that used Windows software. Without their computers operational, airlines have been forced to delay and cancel thousands of flights. While workers are finding some workarounds, the airports themselves have been beyond chaotic as travelers find themselves trapped, many of whom are now stuck in foreign countries.

Let's take a look at how this CrowdStrike outage is playing out at airports around the world.

Handwritten Boarding Passes

Atlanta, Singapore, Virginia And Malaysia

Passing Out Snacks

Blue Screens Of Death

Massive Lines

Absolute Chaos

Handwritten Flight Signs

Kuala Lumpur

Most Screens Down

More Handwritten Boarding Passes

No Hope In Sight

Abandoned Check-In Counters

Lines On Lines On Lines

Hurry Up And Wait


