A Rap Song Does Not Make Your Car Club Super Awesome

Last night, a new car club in the Pacific Northwest called "Team Innovations" popped up on the internets.

Now, we have nothing against the club itself. These guys look like they love cars, and if they want to express it by putting Lambo doors on a Hyundai Tiburon, be our guest. It might not be our choice, but hey, if that's what they like, who are we to stop them?

But when you have a promo rap music video made for your club, that's where we run into issues. The song, which I guess we'll call, Ride TI, has some truly excellent (sarcasm) lyrics, as we'll examine below:

Whatchu know about Greddy Turbo kits?
Seibon Carbon Fiber?
Or Advan Rims (pronounced rhems)?
It's TI mother fucker (pronounced mudda fucka)!
Everybody round here rides TI.
Team Innovations, Team Innovations.

Not only are all of these questions asked with questionable pronunciation, but precisely none of them are actually answered.

So who wrote these sensible and downright wonderous lyrics? I bet you all think it was T.I., cause that would be really clever. But it isn't, it's the work of Northwest rapper Caspa. Yes, like the friendly ghost.

I'd write all the lyrics here, but it's more fun to listen and discover them for yourself.

Ok, one more verse, just for kicks.

I'm talkin' Hondas,
S2K red.
With the Gold Volks on it,
Call it Iron Man

Get it? Cause Iron Man is red and gold.

Also, most of the members are young, tattooed, and kind of terrifying looking. Then there's this guy.

Maybe he's lost? Or maybe he's a member and the club is very inclusionary. If that's the case, good for them!

(Hat Tip to George!)

