Meet Germany's Tri-Axle Two-Stroke Diesel Truck Hot Rod
Brutus isn't the only insane hot rod coming out of Germany right now. The custom builders at Deichkraft took a tri-axle Diamond T 980 N20 tank transporter and turned it into an absolutely massive roadster.
We found this story on the excellent German car culture website, which has been following this creation for a few years now.
If it's not crazy enough that someone turned a Diamond T truck into a hot rod, the builder, Carsten Plötner, constructed this thing to be an environmentally-friendly vehicle. Rather than follow the low-weight, super-aerodynamic hybrid trend, Deichkraft built this thing to be as long-lasting as possible.
With a two-stroke Detroit Diesel engine and no complicated systems to go wrong, this hot rod shouldn't have to be replaced for a good long time, and keeping a vehicle in service for the better part of a century sounds a whole lot better than building new hybrids every few years.
The hot rod scene comes across as extremely closed-minded, with open-wheeled cars in an endless permutation of kandy kolor customs, gleaming '32 Fords, and perfectly-rusted rat rods. Turning a dual-rear-axle truck into the world's biggest roadster is a breath of fresh air, if you don't count the massive clouds of diesel smoke it pelts out at every shift.
(Hat tip to: tapz!)
Photo Credit: Deichkraft