Pickup Truck Owner Builds DIY Rear Window Air Conditioner

Today's word of the day: "de-engineered." It's when someone uses a complicated and/or dumb fix to avoid a simple solution — like the Arizona pickup owner who cools his cab with a room-sized air conditioner duct-taped into the rear window.

It's oftentimes called "There, I fixed it," and we've featured a lot of it:

There, I Fixed It 2.0: Ten Worst Car Mods Edition

The best intentions of mice and modders often go awry. We follow up our last iteration of There, I Fixed It with a look through ten Jalopnik readers' best worst car mods.
Click on any of the photos to see some of the most poorly-conceived mods perpetrated by you, our dear readers. More "

You're Doing It Wrong Version 5.0: There I Fixed It

You've gasped at our galleries of automotive FAIL and cringed at You're Doing it Wrong. Now get ready to bawl like a baby over There I Fixed ItMore "

Caught by Jalopnik reader Dennis in Mesa, Ariz., where it's frequently above 110 degrees during the day, this setup gets the Al Gore Stern Fingerwag Of Carbon-Spewing Disapproval. Other motorists may be glad that the de-engineer has strapped this chunk of metal to the bed and window frame, but the generator looks like it's free to answer gravity's call, and that duct tape can only offer apologies to anyone sitting in front of the compressor in a crash.

Then again, we only see one side of the story. This is a Ford SuperCrew, so the cab may just be too large for the factory compressor to keep pace with global warming. The owner may have access to small window units and generators but no cash for a mechanic. Or, sadly, Arizona's housing market has become so terrible that this is no longer a pickup, but a studio apartment. If so, I just hope it has better engineering in the bathroom.

H/T to Dennis!

