The Ten Most Thor-Like Cars

Thor, the Norse god of thunder is big, loud, and scary. According to you these ten cars are big, loud and scary, just like him.

Welcome back to Answers of the Day — our Jalopnik summer feature where we take the best ten responses from the previous day's Question of the Day and shine it up to show off. It's by you and for you, the Jalopnik readers. Enjoy!

10.) Mercedes Benz Red Pig

Suggested By: Bonhomme7h2

Why It's Thunderous: This 300 SEL 6.8 started life as all the rest, but grew up to become something legendary. Modified to race trim, it finished second at the 1971 24 Hours of Spa, before eventually being sold to Matra to test jet fighter landing gear. The Red Pig was loaded up with several hundred pounds of testing equipment and ballast in order to gauge friction levels for aircraft taking off and landing. With its 420 horsepower, it was the only vehicle in Europe that could get up to speed while hauling all that gear. Unfortunately, when its testing duties were complete, its whereabouts became unknown. Now, we're left with an extremely good replica created by the Mercedes factory.

Like The Skywalker kids in Star Wars however, there is another. Mister Scroggs informs us that there were three 300 SEL modified for racing, and the other two reside in private collections. Offers from the Mercedes factory to purchase them have been repeatedly turned down.

Photo Credit: Youtube

9.) Koenigsegg CCX

Suggested By: geistkoenig

Why It's Thunderous: As Sweden's preeminent entry into the supercar wars, the Koenigsegg had to make an appearance here. Thor would probably be contractually bound, as a Norse god, to endorse the CCX. Not that that would be a bad thing: it is the second fastest production car in the world right now, behind only the Bugatti Veyron.

Photo credit: Youtube

8.) Mercedes Benz McLaren SLR

Suggested By: birddog85

Why It's Thunderous: It's big, it's menacing, it's got a huge protrusion coming out of its hood that could possibly be confused for a hammer. Also, Jeremy Clarkson once described it sounding like "Thor gargling a load of nails" so, you know, there's that too.

Photo credit: Youtube

7.) Hennessey Venom GT

Suggested By: pauljones

Why It's Thunderous: When you take an innocent little Lotus Elise and infuse it with American insanity, you wind up with something that sounds like the Norse god of thunder. I don't know how it works, but I can assure you, it does. It works really well.

Photo credit: Youtube

6.) Bigfoot

Suggested By: Speed Zone

Why It's Thunderous: Bigfoot is of course an excellent choice, but I think we can pretty safely expand this to include most monster trucks. Take the big, larger than life structure of the trucks, add lights and outrageous bodywork, huge tires and earth-shaking engines, and you've got something that's appropriate for a god to terrify mortals with. Thor would take to a monster truck like a giant evil bloodthirsty duck to water.

Photo credit: Youtube

5.) Dodge Viper ACR

Suggested By: Sir Halffast

Why It's Thunderous: Besides sounding like it's roaring and ready to tear your head off, the ACR looks the part. In blood red with a black stripe, it's suitably violent-looking enough to be the God of Thunder's ride.

Photo credit: Youtube

4.) Shelby Daytona Coupe

Suggested By: CobraJoe

Why It's Thunderous: In addition to being the god of thunder, Thor is also attributed to protecting humankind. He vanquishes humans' enemies on the field of battle, much like the Cobra Daytona Coupe vanquished its enemies on a smaller, more squiggly, more asphalty field of battle. And again, with the requisite thunderous noise.

Photo credit: Youtube

3.) Hurst Hemi Under Glass Barracuda

Suggested By: Tucker589

Why It's Thunderous: In the cinematic portrayal of gods, sometimes we see them use tricks to fool their human followers into thinking they're more powerful than they really are. Think of C-3PO and Luke Skywalker fooling the Ewoks into thinking 3PO could fly. Along the same line, Thor could use the Hemi Under Glass' magical ability to wheelie down an entire quarter mile with incredible noises the whole way to scare his Norse believers into submission.

Photo credit: Youtube

2.) Top Fuel Dragster

Suggested By: Rawtoast

Why It's Thunderous: While we're at the drag strip, let's turn the volume up way past 11 from the Hemi Under Glass Barracuda to the world of top fuel. These fire-spitting, tire-shredding, parachute-deploying, ear-killing monsters are completely appropriate for a god of thunder.

Photo credit: Youtube

1.) Mavis

Suggested By: irishman72

Why It's Thunderous: Mavis is a special lady. Built from the ground up with a Bentley chassis, she features as her main attraction a 42-liter WWII V12 Packard torpedo boat engine. What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the roar of a World War II boat engine in a car. To put this into perspective for you, Mavis generates in excess of 600 horsepower more than a Bugatti Veyron. Tie a Veyron to a Lamborghini Murciélago LP640 and you're in the neighborhood. Combine that with the flat black paint and fire spitting out of the headers, and you've got yourself one hell of a car for a god of thunder.

Photo credit: Youtube

