Commenter Of The Day: Robert Ridgely Edition
From the comments and his image, it seems that the spokesman in the super-flamboyant Monroe shock commercial is none other than Robert Ridgely, an actor you've probably seen a million times but don't know by name. In addition to apparently filming this commercial, he also was the executioner in Blazing Saddles and Robin Hood: Men In Tights, as well as the mayor in Beverly Hills Cop 2. He was in the film Philadelphia, as well as in numerous TV shows. When Paul Thomas Anderson wrote the character of the Colonel in Boogie Nights, he was picturing Ridgely.
Robert Ridgely died of cancer in 1997, but his legacy lives on in a lot of forms. Given that he hung out with Mel Brooks, we think he'd have liked Alfisted's joke as much as we do.
He sells shocks .... and struts.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
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