Sawzall Chop-Top Volvo 244 Doesn't Survive Winter, Meets Highly Predictable Fate
We all know how the normal trajectory goes with a homemade convertible: First, a car already teetering on the brink of the junkyard meets a couple of dudes with a case of beer and a Sawzall...
Then those dudes slap some duct tape on the raggedy pillar edges, spray a bunch of punk graffiti all over the remaining body, and spend the summer rolling around town in their wobbly, flexy "roadster," hooting at the ladeez, etc. This part is great fun... until the days start getting shorter and cold wet stuff falls from the sky. Sure, you can slap a tarp over the thing when you're not using it, but you wouldn't have hacked the roof off in the first place if you'd planned on keeping the thing, eh?
So, the next stop, usually, is the junkyard. I spotted this 1990 244 in a local self-service yard. Note all the standard Sawzall Chop-Top features: pipe insulation and duct tape on the sharp edges as a (symbolic) nod to safety, spray paint all over the interior and engine compartment, and curtain-rod "roll bar" over the top. Sad to see another Swedish brick end up this way, but at least it went out in a blaze of glory!