Late at night, the driver of this Subaru STI swerved to miss a deer, lost control, hit a tree, flipped twice, plowed through a stop sign and another tree. Everyone inside walked away. Mega-gallery below.
It's a testament to Subaru engineering and the benefits of aftermarket safety upgrades. The car was outfitted with a harness bar and safety harnesses along with the flashier stuff like a carbon fiber nose, but the driver is probably thanking his lucky stars he'd installed the safety bar. We're glad this Subaru gave its life to save its occupants. Details below:
I got a call from my buddy at 1:30am this morning, I assumed it was drunk dialing and went back to sleep. I guess I was wrong. Apparently when he swerved to miss a deer (NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!!) the rear end came off the ground, hit a tree, flipped twice, took out a stop sign and another tree. Thanks to a harness bar his and his passengers lives were spared (they walked away). He's a lucky SOB.
(Hat tip to Ed!) [also via FinalGear]