New Transformers 2 Trailer: Now In High-Res!

Here's the new trailer for Transformers 2 we showed you yesterday, except now it's in high-resolution, upping the general ass-kickery. Check out the robogasmic goodness below. UPDATE: Now with 58-shot 1080P screen-cap gallery!

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The preview we were given yesterday certainly didn't do this new trailers cut any justice, but as you can see now, this newest incarnation of everybody's favorite Hasbro-toy line come-to-life is looking better and better everyday. Hell it's even making us feel smarter. If this doesn't sell you on the idea of padding Michael Bay's pockets then he might as well...well, he might as well just give us another Transformers movie after this one. So long as he gives us more of our favorite character. [via traileraddict, TFW2005]

