Working Papercraft V8: Arts & Crafts Done Right

There are many concepts and trends to come out of Japan we don't understand (ahem, Cosplay) but we totally get Japanese papercraft. Try looking at this handmade papercraft V8 without grasping the pure awesomeness.

This kick-ass display of ingenuity was created by a self-employed man living in Montreal, Canada. Montreal must either be: really boring, lacking real work, getting huge discounts on paper from Dunder Mifflin. Yee, the man in question, also created the V12 model we showed you last year. This one's a little bit bigger and more complex weighing in at a stout 6.5 lbs when completed.

The papercraft V8 includes a 3.4 rpm compound crankshaft, cooling fan and 8 rods, pistons and spark plugs and is powered by a small motor and a couple of D cell batteries. If you have the lack of a girlfriend desire to build the V8, Yee will sell you the plans for about $100 (USD). The package comes with all the paper that you'll need (5756 sheets to be exact) along with a PDF file with instructions documenting the entire build. Not included in the package is the white glue and the sharp knife (possibly bandages too) you'll need. We triple-dog-dare you to come up with something this nerdy and cool at the same time.

This Papercraft V8 Is Gonna Cut Ya!

Below are some of the other killer papercraft models we've featured in the past:

[via yeesjob]

