What's The Best Car Snack?

Long road trips sometime necessitate snacking-while-driving (SWD). For those occasions, what's the best car snack?

We're of mixed minds on SWD in general. Wert brought food with him on his GT500KR summer road trip, but normally doesn't feel it's appropriate to eat in your car. The rest of us realize we all do it and most of us without any kind of shame or apprehension. Personally, I like the Chicken Fries from Burger King.

They are easy to eat thanks to their size and clever, cup-style packaging. Being mostly protein they produce less waste. The breading isn't greasy, meaning your fingers don't get slippery. The high-caloric content means a 9-pc works as a meal when coupled with the Apple Fries, which are also easy to eat (though not as well packaged). It's a good, quick meal for a long trip and one not as fatty or as likely to cause indigestion as a pizza or burger-and-fry combo.

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[For further reading on Chicken Fries check out The Impulsive Buy]

