Just in time for the September 24th premier of NBC's new Knight Rider show, the local NBC news affiliate in Grand Rapids, Michigan has found a great way to shamelessly promote the show a woman claiming that her recently sold Mustang GT was bought to be turned into a real-life example of KITT for the show. Deb Fralick had to sell her beloved Ford Mustang GT for $19,000 after faced with bills from a life-threatening illness and several visits to the Mayo Clinic. We're not exactly sure how much time her car will actually spend on-set, as right now it's said to be in the Toronto area on a promotional tour. Fralick said of the car "I just turned 50. So it actually made me feel like I was 18 again." Now, she's cruising around in an early '90s Buick Regal GS, which is good transportation but hardly a Mustang GT. Fortunately, if her now KITT-ified Mustang ever goes back up for sale she gets first dibs. [WOODTV]
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