A recent scientific breakthrough may make the process of turning radiation waste to electricity a reality just in time for the return of the DeLorean. We're jumping the gun, a tad. The Mr. Fusion from the famed Back to the Future series was capable of turning beer, banana peels and other garbage into energy to power the DeLorean. This system is a bit different.
You won't be able to convert your household garbage into energy, but the research is proving that it's possible to convert nuclear waste into energy to power vehicles, including cars. So, someday will you be driving an SUV powered by a miniature nuclear battery? Probably not in our lifetimes, but at least the idea of nuclear waste-to-electricity is being thrown around and worked on. Although, we'd hate to get in a fender bender with a car stuffed with nuclear reactors and batteries. [NewScientist via CG]