3 Women Discover They're Dating The Same Man, Head Out On A School Bus Road Trip

What would you do if you discovered your boyfriend had five other women?

I love nothing more than to witness a little bit of girl power in action, and no situation quite epitomizes that as much as this one: three women discovered they were all dating the same man, bonded over the experience, and are now road tripping around America in a school bus.

Morgan Tabor (21), Abi Roberts (19), and Bekah King (18) discovered that they were all sharing the same man — who also happened to be dating three other women — about seven months ago, ABC6 in Philadelphia reports.

There's plenty of room for broken hearts and hard feelings, but Tabor, Roberts, and King decided to try something different. They bought a 30-year-old bus, renovated it in just under ten weeks, and took off on a road trip together.

From the article:

"We started in Boise, Idaho, where the whole build-out took place, and then we traveled east through Idaho," Roberts told "Good Morning America." "We went to some really cool hot springs through Ketchum, which is a beautiful area there. And then we went through the Grand Tetons, which was so much fun. And then we went through Jackson, through Yellowstone. We were just in Bozeman, Montana, and now we're back near Yellowstone."

"We're winging it a little bit," added Tabor. "Like we have a rough draft route, but we're open to not following it. Kind of just opportunities and people we meet, we'll go from there."

The women have been documenting their travels on both TikTok and Instagram under the name @the.bam.bus, which is what they're calling their school bus. It's an anagram of the initials of their first names.

Why buy a bus? Well, their collective ex-boyfriend's dream was to travel around America in a renovated Volkswagen bus. They decided to do him one better.

It's slow going for these women, since the heavy bus can't go very fast — but it's been a great way for them to process the pain of their breakups and heal as they travel from one campsite to the next. Their ultimate goal? To hit the beaches of California.

