200 Idiots Thought It Was A Good Idea To Watch Cars Do Donuts On The Freeway

It's never a good idea to block traffic on the freeway. Especially not a busy Southern California freeway.

Midnight to one in the morning is usually the time when most people are sleeping. But if you're into cars and street racing, unfortunately, that's prime time for shenanigans. Local southern California news outlets report that's what happened early this morning as the 91 freeway was closed. Hundreds of people gathered to watch Fast and Furious wannabes be dumb on the freeway.

The incident happened on the eastbound 91 freeway near the city of Bellflower, right near the interchange of the 605 freeway. Just after one in the morning, Highway Patrol received calls that "about 50 vehicles holding up the eastbound lanes of the freeway near the 605 interchange."

Cars had stopped, blocking all lanes of traffic to give enough space to 50 cars doing donuts and other dumb stunts. Over 200 people had gathered on the freeway to watch. It's not known how long the cars held up traffic. Video from the scene shows the silhouettes of hundreds of people watching the cars while traffic is held back behind the crowd.

A short time later (about 15 minutes), Highway Patrol finally arrived. Only one arrest was made, however, as everyone involved scattered onto the nearby 91 and 605 freeways to avoid capture. No injuries or accidents were reported.

This freeway takeover is just one of many instances where local freeways are held up late at night or early in the morning. Street racing and gatherings are no longer limited to empty streets. Somehow these people think it's a good idea to play on the freeway instead of empty industrial areas, the desert, or a racetrack. Aside from doing this type of thing in a controlled environment like a track, none of it is a good idea. And with hundreds of people gathering to watch these things, catching enough people to make it stop may be harder than it seems.

