1972 Tatra T603 Is Even Stranger Than Usual

There isn't a whole lot you can do to make a Tatra T603 stranger than it already is. These rare Czech made luxury cars came from the factory with a rear mounted air cooled V8 and a design that is hard to describe. Interestingly enough, the current owner of this T603 managed to do the impossible with the odd addition of large aftermarket wheels and a bumping stereo system.

Despite Tatra's 150 year history, many people have not heard of the Czech automotive company and their strange creations like the T603. Jokingly nicknamed "the communist Porsche", the T603 was produced from 1956 until 1975 as a high quality luxury vehicle. T603s were generally reserved for high ranking Politicians and leaders of industry because of their high price. Accordingly not many T603s were made.

We don't know exactly how a 1972 Tatra T603 made it to America. What we do know is when it did it received the subs and dubs treatment usually reserved for used sedans in high school parking lot. While there is hardly anything extreme about these modifications, they seem like an odd choice for someone who sought out ownership of such a rare vehicle.

Now the car is looking for a new owner who doesn't mind the modifcations, the white smoke coming from the exhaust, or the "minor fluid leaks". Nothing like a trifecta of car buying red flags to encourage your purchase of a rare Czech built car with little to no parts support in this country. Of course, if you're seriously looking to purchase a T603 you've probably already come to terms with your entry into project car hell.

At present, the entry price is surprisingly reasonable for such a rarely seen car. Bidding is currently at only $7950. We don't claim to be experts on the value of a T603, but the last one we saw for sale had a $50,000 price tag attached to it. According to the seller the auction may end at any time because the car will be auctioned at Russo and Steele's Scottsdale, AZ auction on Sunday. Whatever happens, we'll be extremely interested to see what kind of bids a slightly modified Tatra T603 that needs a little work will bring.


