Own A Nissan GT-R And Live In The Midwest? Here's Your Chance To Prove Brad Wrong Once And For All
Even if you've never agreed with a single one of Brad's opinions, there's no denying he has a lot of them. The man has thoughts, and he likes to share them. For example, this morning, while discussing the lack of significant depreciation of R35 Nissan GT-Rs, he said, "I don't think there is any part of me that believes a GT-R is fun." That isn't exactly an unexpected Brad Take, but maybe it's time for him to put his money where his mouth is. Clearly, we need to get Brad behind the wheel of an R35 and show him that even if it has electric steering, he can still have fun in a GT-R.
Now, typically, I would simply call my counterparts at Nissan, arrange for a shiny, new GT-R to be delivered to his house and be done with it. Brad would be able to drive the car, he'd actually have fun driving the car, and he'd write a review with a headline like, "I Can Admit The GT-R Is Fun, But It Would Still Be Better With Hydraulic Steering, Rear-Wheel Drive And A Manual Transmission." Then all of you would fight it out in the comments.
The problem is, the last time we tried to get a GT-R press car, Nissan told us it didn't have any in the fleet period. Fast forward to today, after Nissan has announced that R35 production is finally ending, and something tells me the odds of there being a GT-R in the fleet are even lower. If we're going to change Brad's mind, we're going to need to find a brave GT-R owner in the Midwest who would be willing to let Brad drive their car. Maybe that's you. Maybe that's someone else you know. Either way, if you own one and are confident it will convince Brad the GT-R actually is fun, let's make this happen.
After I pitched this post, Brad was so thrilled he even offered to sweeten the deal, telling me, and I quote, "If they aren't dickheads, I'll swap for the day with my 911 and the GT-R owner can see what they're missing." So there you go. Let Brad drive your GT-R, and you'll get the keys to his Porsche 911 Turbo. Surely that's enough to make it worth your time. At least if you aren't a dickhead.