These Are The Cars You Think Have The Worst Drivers
If you're here at Jalopnik, there's a good chance that you like cars and driving, so you've probably dedicated a fair amount of time to getting pretty good behind the wheel. Sadly, not everyone has done that and some people out there are quite bad at driving. Shocking, I know. If you want to spot the bad drivers so you know who to give a wide berth to, then a recent study found that, statistically, Tesla drivers are the worst. But they aren't the only bad drivers out there, so we turned to you and asked what cars really do have the worst drivers?
You came back with some great answers, so we rounded up some of the worst offenders on the road so that, hopefully, we can all steer clear of these cars and stay safe out there. If there's an awfully-driven car that we missed, let us know in the comments below.
Honda CR-V
"Bad is subjective, but I do know with a high level of certainty what make and model of car will likely be holding me up under the speed limit with no clue of what traffic is doing around them."
Reader, this comment was accompanied by a photo of a fifth-generation Honda CR-V.
Suggested by: hammerheadfistpunch
"BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW. Use the damn blinkers!"
Sorry, I didn't catch that?
Suggested by: noturbestfriend
Ford Mustang
"I wanna say Mustangs, but it's not the car, it's the driver. Here's the thing, if you honestly believe you are a superior driver and you aren't a pro, you are probably the one causing trouble, because you KNOW your superior driving skills and reflexes make you a super driver.
"But... you're not. If you were a superior driver, you wouldn't be cutting through traffic or doing 30 mph over the speed limit. I've heard multiple pro drivers say the scariest place they ever drive is on the street with normal folks, and they're literally the best drivers in the world.
"You are not a great driver. You are most likely an average driver with average skills."
An average driver with great taste though, right?
Suggested by: buckfiddiousagain
Nissan Altima
"Nissan Altima. Just type in Big Altima Energy."
I won't be doing that.
Suggested by: klone121
Anything Beige
"Tesla Model Y and Toyota Prius are obvious answers, but I think an underrated answer is anyone in a beige Camry, or really any beige sedan. This is the quintessential car for people who don't want to drive but need a car."
If you don't care about the color of your car, why would you care about the way it's driven?
Suggested by: leftylooseygoosey
Ram Trucks
"The cars I see most often weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, and otherwise creating mischief tend to be Ram trucks and 10-year-old Nissan Altimas with tattered temp tags that have probably been invalid for over a year."
Jalopnik, home of the mischief police.
Suggested by: golfball
Toyota Corolla
"The answer is Corolla drivers. At least up here in the land that loves cheap small cars. Corolla drivers are so bad that I keep an eye out for them, and when I see one, I will treat that car like it's about to do the dumbest, craziest thing you could possibly imagine.
"Blind lane changes without signalling is just the standard. Turning left with oncoming traffic. Turning left from the right lane. Running red lights. Stopping for yellow lights. Ignoring four-way stops. Stopping on roundabouts to let cars in. Driving over the median to avoid the 'no left turns' sign. Racing Rav-4's. Splitting a McLaren 570S in half. Launching themselves into a house (there are *multiple* examples of that one out there). I've seen most of those first-hand. The last two are in the news.
"There's a sample size that works in the Corolla's favor here. There are about a billion of them on the road because they're good, reliable cars that are cheap to run. And good/reliable/cheap are exactly the kinds of things that someone who hates driving, or isn't good at driving, or is just starting driving, or just wants an appliance for driving would look for in a car."
I'm sorry, splitting a McLaren 570S in half?
Suggested by: dolsh
Toyota Camry
"I've driven 500 miles a week for the past 15 years, fortunately in company cars. Top choice is Camry drivers but it's spread to other Toyota sedans and crossovers in time. Their purchase decision was based on Consumer Reports or getting the most car for the money.
"They're terrible drivers for going too slow and not being aware of faster moving traffic around them. They will camp in the left lane without a care. If I see a Toyota on the road, I give plenty of room and go around.
"Altima drivers have gotten pretty high up on the list. Nothing makes me more nervous than driving near a clapped out Altima. Whatever happens, you know they don't have insurance."
We can just extend it to all Toyota drivers, if you like?
Suggested by: jsinclair3939
Big Trucks, Bad Drivers
"Yes, yes, maybe, but yes...because my mind automatically goes to the not necessarily American brand vehicle, but typical American stereotype of a pick up truck driver. Though they usually are of the American brand, but by bad drivers, I'm talking about tailgating. It just seems like something about a trucks height that tends to bring out a kind of dickish behavior in some. It's rare that I don't have one riding my ass anytime one is on the road behind me, made worse at night because the newer, brighter headlights are right in the rearview sight line of my seating height. In cars, if their headlights are under the rear wing of my car, or a trucks being high in the rear window, I know they're too fck'n close.
"As a Mustang driver, I don't have a problem occasionally speeding, but I'm not going to be pressured by being tailgated into doing so and risk a cop catching me in some bad timing moment caused by it. Despite wanting to, I don't try to antagonize anyone or the situation by driving slower than the speed limit just to irritate someone. In my mind, they are free to drive around me, in a huff if they want if it makes them feel better, hoping I won't need to deal with any break checking games, because of some imaged intentional slight. Fortunately, it has never come to that level, but wouldn't be surprised if it happens, given how some folks are."
Not to defend pickup trucks or anything, but are they actually closer or are they just massive?
Suggested by: barada-nikto-byotch
"Anecdotally speaking on my drives, I have never met a more clueless driver than Teslas.
"1. the driving style: Nothing they do is smooth, it's very twitchy and nervous, and with regen, they tend to slow down too fast when the conditions don't dictate doing that. The statement Clarkson made about driving a car more slowly the faster is becomes is especially apparent with Tesla owner, it's like they are scared to drive up to speed in a quicker motion. With EVs in general, you almost need to treat them as 1s and 0s to extract full performance. you can break later, accelerate sooner and chain corners much easier in an EV than you can with most ICE and people don't have the perception enough to realize that, so from my observation, they come across as super slow drivers.
"2. Navigational skills: most Teslas (and to the lesser people in general) seem to not know where they're going...ever. No shot, with modern technology and unfettered access to freakin satellites do we not know where we are going in 2025. And their solution is to slow down on a main road to a crawl, no signal or warnings, and slowly cut across lanes to get to the right one...just to realize that also wasn't the lane they needed to be in. Tesla Owners, please know where you are going."
We're nothing if not anecdotal, pal.
Suggested by: darthspartan117
Any Pontiac
"Depends on how we define 'worst.' I see it broken up between like, incompetence, arrogance, and oblivious, with different winners for each. Screw the statistics, this is sheer anecdotal correctness!
"If we're talking pure incompetence and slow speed, then it's beige or light gold anything, but specifically slightly aged Camry and Lexus ES models.
"On the arrogant front, large raised trucks with headlights channeling directly from the surface of the sun, Tesla Model Y and Xs, murdered out S-Classes, and sure, BMW drivers. Are they BAD drivers though, or just refuse to play nicely with others? I think there's a difference, but they still suck.
"Finally are the oblivious – any old people cars, and simply people who don't give a f***. ANY Pontiac, ANY minivan over 20 years old, most Altimas and Maximas, and of course, Lexus ES. Lexus ES drivers suck and this is my thesis statement."
Are you saying old people DGAF, or that people who drive older cars DGAF? Answers on a postcard, please.
Suggested by: gusdabomba
"I drive I-580 West fairly regularly, and traffic is generally pretty light... except when there is an accident. And almost without fail, that accident includes an Infiniti, often times spun off the road because they thought they were badass weaving through traffic at 100+ mph.
"The other is Prius (Prii?). Always driving way below the speed limit, making random stops in the middle of the road, fading into your lane for no discernible reason, fumbling with their phones to handle their next Uber Eats delivery, and the poster car for 'bad drivers never miss their exit'."
You can take the driver out the Nissan, but not the Nissan out the driver.
Suggested by: disadvantage
Dodge Challenger
"The most correct answer would likely be the Dodge Charger/Challenger, Ford Mustang, or Chevrolet Camaro — essentially, any domestic rear-wheel-drive car with moderate to high horsepower. These cars tend to attract drivers who enjoy aggressive acceleration and high-speed maneuvers. The combination of a powerful engine, the sound of revving, and the thrill of burning rubber can sometimes override good judgment, especially among younger drivers or those experiencing a mid-life adrenaline rush. It's almost like a built-in temptation to push the limits. It's science."
The most correct? That is bold.
Suggested by: ceragan42
Hyundai Elantra
"Hyundai Elantra. The N model in particular but everyone who drives an Elantra thinks its an N model anyway. Get tailgated only to have the driver slow down to less than you were going in the first place once they're ahead of you? Elantra driver. Clogged left lane? Elantra driver. Pass an Elantra diver? Insulted, so it's a manhood race now. Dark windows and go-fast stickers? Elantra. Constant lane changes in stopped traffic? You guessed it. It's so bad even my wife, who doesn't really care about cars, can identify an Elantra in traffic now."
The answer is always Elantra, apparently.
Suggested by: elgordo47