You Need A Pink Suzuki Alto Works In Your Life

Hard truths are rare in the automotive world, but there's one that's unassailable: Kei cars are perfect in every way, and there simply are not better cars out there. We should all be driving kei cars, and the fact that we aren't is an intentional abandonment of perfection akin to staring into Eden's wide-open gates only to turn away. Yet, some genius out there managed to improve upon the best cars we've ever built. It turns out you just have to paint them pink

Well, maybe you need to do a little more than that. You need the exterior paint to be poorly-applied, you the color-matched interior, AC, and gauges, the titanium-look exhaust and the Advan tri-spokes — this Suzuki Alto Works is built to show us all just how good cars can be. This perfection is out there, we just have to know it and seize it for ourselves.

You can tell me you've found a better car, and I can simply not believe you

Look at those wheels! That cover over what should be a rear wiper blade! That tiny turbocharged engine with its pod filter for maximum intake noise! We could all have spent the last three decades driving these, but instead we bought sedans and crossovers and trucks. What's wrong with us? Is there something in the American mind that simply can't handle pure beauty, that refuses to acknowledge when perfection sits in front of our eyes? Don't talk about crash tests. Shut up about the crash tests. 

In a just world, in a world that bent towards morality, we'd have a chicken in every pot and a pink Suzuki Alto Works in every driveway, garage, parking lot, and street parking spot. Alas, we don't live in a world that beautiful and pure. We live in this one, full of Silverados, F-150s, and RAV4s. The Alto Works shows us how good life could be, if only we'd make it so. 

