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10 Fictional Characters That Would Be Great Road Trip Buddies

10 Fictional Characters That Would Be Great Road Trip Buddies

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Without the the right companion on a road trip, you might end up with more headaches than you bargained for. And it’s always a plus to have someone who could turn a wrench or keep you entertained on those long drives. These are the ten fictional characters that would be great road trip buddies.


This post was originally published on October 13, 2015

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10.) KITT, Knight Rider

10.) KITT, Knight Rider

With KITT’s artificial intelligence software and hardware wired into your road trip vehicle, you’re set with an ideal road trip companion for the whole trip. He’s smart, sympathetic, a good driver and even has a sense of humor. And aren’t there times when you wish your car could talk to you? Maybe explain some of those odd noises you can’t diagnose?


Suggested By: 8695Beaters

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9.) Letty, The Fast And The Furious

9.) Letty, The Fast And The Furious

Letty can turn a wrench, break some legs when necessary and would be more than happy to take the wheel. In fact, you might end up fighting her for the driver’s seat, but that’s okay. “Ride or die,” don’t forget.


Suggested By: Nobi

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8.) Mark Watney, The Martian

8.) Mark Watney, The Martian

Not only would Mark Watney be a great road trip buddy, but he would also probably be a great choice for an end of the world, apocalypse companion. Is there anything this guy can’t survive? After seeing what he was able to accomplish on the surface of Mars, you could probably be stranded in the middle of Antartica and he would be able to “science the shit” out of there.


Bear Grylls ain’t got nothing on him.

Suggested By: dagibby

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7.) Tommy Callahan III, Tommy Boy

7.) Tommy Callahan III, Tommy Boy

In Tommy Boy, Tommy Callahan III attempts to live up to his father’s legacy and carry the family business on his shoulders by basically becoming a traveling salesman. Through that, we’re able to see what a trooper he really is and how far he’s willing to go to reach his goals. Though he might not be the smartest or the luckiest guy around, Tommy Callahan knows how to scheme his way across America on a good old fashioned road trip.


He could even supply the brake pads.

Suggested By: Stig-a-saw-us-wrecks

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6.) Wayne And Garth, Wayne’s World

6.) Wayne And Garth, Wayne’s World

Through Wayne and Garth’s escapades in Wayne’s World, the two rock and roll lovers are almost always full of enthusiasm and life, especially when rocking out in their AMC Pacer. Two upbeat souls to keep the energy flowing on an extended road trip could always be appreciated. Just have to be open to some proper Queen head banging.


Suggested By: As Du Volant

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5.) Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

5.) Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Ferris Bueller is the kid that’ll push you to do things you never thought you wanted to do and remind you to live a little. He’s the kid that can remind you about what’s good in life, when you think all is downhill. He sees the world in a different light and knows when to take advantage of an opportunity. Whether things begin to go wrong or you’re just looking for a night of fun, surely Ferris would have an answer and a plan.


Suggested By: CrymeLord

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4.) Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!

4.) Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!

If you’re going to bring man’s best friend along with you, might as well bring the canine with a decent understanding of the English language. And one that has a great sense of humor and a constant smile on his face, at that. But don’t forget to throw him a Scooby-Snack or two every once in a while.


Suggested By: cazzyodo

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3.) Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski, The Big Lebowski

3.) Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski, The Big Lebowski

Though Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski is forced to be taken a bit out of his comfort zone after he is harassed by some carpet-pissing criminals, he’s usually an extremely tranquil guy. If you like super chill, low-tension copilots, The Dude is your man. Just keep him occupied with the radio and some weed, and uh, away from the driver’s seat.


Suggested By: Vlan1

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2.) R2-D2, Star Wars

2.) R2-D2, Star Wars

Having an astromech droid like R2-D2 as a road trip companion would be a blessing. He could navigate using his astrogation buffer, and assuming that some of that starship mechanical knowledge translates into cars, he could probably make use of his abilities and make any necessary repairs while you continued on with your road trip.


Suggested By: Andy Sheehan

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1.) Angus MacGyver, MacGyver

1.) Angus MacGyver, MacGyver

Speaking of making any necessary repairs while driving, check out MacGyver up there. Who else would attempt to mend a broken brake line like Mr. Steel Balls himself? And that’s just the beginning of where MacGyver could come in handy. Sure, he’s a secret agent but he’s also basically a walking toolbox with a wealth of DIY engineering knowledge. Skilled would be an understatement.


Suggested By: allroad v8

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