The same storm that helped keep yours truly in NYC for an extra day also dumped enough snow on Cleveland to provide…
Unfortunately, we've not had the kind of snow in the Chicago area that's been right for the Winter Guessing Game,…
We had the pleasure of meeting one of the actual WGG players/submitters at the YES! display at the Chicago Auto Show…
Not wanting to break anyone's computer, the headline was shorterned. We could have gone with another headline, but…
While many Chicagoans consider the recent lack of snow a blessing, we've been disappointed we haven't been able to…
Not realizing that the Jalopnik community of commenters also shares membership with the Louis Gossett, Jr. fan club…
We didn't get quite the blanking some of us hoped for with the last system, so today's winter ride isn't completely…
If you watched the Packers game last night you know two things: it's freaking cold in the upper midwest and Brett…
We have another entry from the bandana-toting Dr.Danger, who managed to brave the thick snow and thicker accents to…
Some of you may noticed that the Winter Guessing Game took a brief hiatus while we were at the Detroit Auto Show…
We were going to pass on this reader-submitted winter guessing game entry because of the small size and just…
When we left Texas, the sun was out and the temperature was still in the 60's. This morning it was in the single…
Just when you might have thought the Winter Guessing Game had gotten to be a relaxing daily challenge, something…
An unfortunate trend in automotive design is the movement towards bland, predictable foglight assemblies (would you…
We've got yet another Worcester Winter Guessing Game for your "stuck at work the day after Christmas and seriously…
One of our great readers, Jaime from Worcester, Mass, managed to brave the cold and snap some photos of cars…
It's Friday, so we don't want to give you yet another excuse to avoid work. This one isn't too hard, in fact some…
We'll be honest, we didn't write down a corresponding note for this picture so we're not 100% sure we know what it…
The winner of this challenge will likely be the one that can correctly identify the wheels in this photo (though…
We spotted this one while negotiating the terrain on the way to the grocery store and hoped we'd have a good…