Winter storms are about to hit the South and several other states that don't usually get snow
Despite expensive cloud seeding efforts the West isn't getting much more water
The Ted Williams Tunnel was built as part of Boston's infamous Big Dig
The flood damaged supercars might look like a bargain, but could end up being more trouble than they're worth
This year's brutal hurricane season has left around 350,000 cars damaged. Now, those impacted cars could be about to…
This week, Andy and Ryan debate if Tesla's Model S needs a new generation or a burial.
Crews onboard a Hurricane Hunter aircraft dropped the ashes of former scientist and storm expert Peter Dodge into…
Tampa-area gas stations are reporting completely dry pumps at a tune of 59 percent
Hurricane Hunter aircraft are equipped with tech to analyze the strength of a hurricane, but to do that they must…
A rear-facing camera in the back of a car caught an enormous mudslide rushing across the road that this couple had…
The truck managed to drive and even fully charge after surviving the Asheville, North Carolina, flood
Hundreds of closed roads have isolated the residents of North Carolina
Eight passengers, including one child, were hospitalized
Ice build-up can cut data received through a lidar sensor lens by 99 percent
The bridge survived multiple impacts despite visible damage to the road deck
The National Weather Service recorded "trace" amounts of snow on a 90+ degree day
This week's reader has a $30,000 budget for something track capable that can also fit the family.
Flood damaged cars are super cheap, so why not buy one? Well, many reasons, actually.
Even if you’re in a big SUV, flooded roads are still extremely dangerous
Up to 25 cars on a Union Pacific train were pushed off the rails by the high-speed wind gusts