Speeding down the path to bring Detroit out of bankruptcy, city retirees — considered the linchpins of the court proceedings — approved pension cuts and a move to spin off the art museum as an independent nonprofit. The vote should keep the city's biggest creditors at bay. Read more
Get ready, folks! It's time for another progress report on America's most forlorn and depressed city, now even…
About six-months-away close, if Michigan's governor is to be believed. There are a few crucial deals on the table…
The city of Detroit filed a 120-page plan for bankruptcy today, including plans for investments in public safety, pensions for retirees and the Detroit Institute of Arts. If you've got time, read it here.
A U.S. bankruptcy judge has decided that the city of Detroit can enter into bankruptcy, about five months after the…
Last month, the Detroit Free Press offered a superb explanation of how exactly Detroit went bankrupt. Today, The…
This straightforward GIF simplifies the long, but not-as-complicated-as-you-think story of Detroit's recent…
Do you have a bunch of questions about Detroit that you were too afraid to ask? It's fine, we'll always try to…
Another day, another disparaging comment about Detroit from someone somewhat important and another week's worth of…
There's been an influx of articles penned about what caused Detroit's troubles since the city succumbed to the woes…
I'm sure the Texan Jalop Alliance might disagree with that headline, but other than shouting out Houston a bunch of…
A federal judge has frozen all lawsuits against the City of Detroit related to its bankruptcy, clearing the way for…
"Can (Flash-In-The-Pan Thing Here) Save Detroit?" or "This One Man..." are headlines that annoy the locals enough…
The City of Detroit may be $18.5 billion in debt and about to initiate the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S.…
If you thought the stream of Detroit documentaries had finally slowed to a drip since the automotive industry is on…
Like I said yesterday: You didn't expect the Detroit Bankruptcy to happen without drama, did you? Today a circuit…
Yesterday Detroit declared bankruptcy. It's the biggest American city ever to do so, and as I thought about that I…
Detroit is bankrupt. Does it hurt to write those words? Honestly, it doesn't. It hurts as much as ripping a Band-Aid…