This Airport Is Covered In Thousands Of Cars Ruined By Sandy

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Hurricane/Snor'Eastercane/Superstorm Sandy ruined thousands upon thousands of cars on the East Coast in a matter of days. So where do you put all of these now ruined rides?

You take over an entire airport.

Rarely used Calverton Executive Airpark, which is a small airport located on Long Island, is being used to store approximately 15,000 cars that were ravaged by that awful storm.


The cars are being stored there by Insurance Auto Auctions Corp, who have agreed to pay $3,200 per acre that are taken up by the cars to the town of Riverhead. Those 15,000 cars take up enough space that Riverhead is anticipating to make $2.7 million from the deal.

The plan is to try and sell all of the cars to new owners, as many of them are in salvageable condition. Those that can't be saved will be parted out.