Have you ever seen a drunk-driving PSA aimed at teens that doesn't condescend to its audience and absolutely nails the humor? Now you have. Apparently they watch Flight of the Conchords in New Zealand, too.
The ad, dubbed Legend, is part of an "anti drink-driving" ad campaign by the New Zealand Transport Agency, middle earth's version of our own DOT. It's one of the few such ads that doesn't use scare tactics and is still thought-provoking enough to make someone (and not just teens) think twice about not speaking up when a drunk mate's grabbed the car keys.
Another aim of this particular spot, according to the agency, is to counter the widely-held belief among young males, "that if you drive drunk, it's likely you'll get away with it. This belief is reinforced by the times they did 'slip up' and got away with it. They lived to tell the tale, which has since become a 'success' story they share with their mates."
Maybe the DOT can get the same agency (or just go right to the Conchords guys) to do other countries' ads. They're bound to be funnier than, say, this Australian one.