What's The Worst Thing To Happen To Your Unattended Car?

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Ben's story of a bloody, smashed Honda Civic keeps getting stranger and has us wondering the stories the rest of you are concealing. What's the worst thing to happen to your unattended car?

This is an easy one for us because we were the perpetrator. Imagine it's 1994, the Rockets are going to the NBA Finals for the first time. Olujawan versus Ewing. Riley versus Tomjanovich. It is difficult to exaggerate how excited Houston was at the opportunity to win a championship in a league that still existed. All the local news stations were having a contest to find the biggest fan and, at age 11, we thought we could achieve this by covering dad's Isuzu Impulse with white shoe polish proclaiming the Rockets as #1. Not just the windows. The entire red car (red and white, Rockets colors). The news stations never showed up and, in the summer heat, the white shoe polish baked onto the car and wouldn't come off when dad came home. He had to sell the car, at a drastically reduced price, with the ghost of the 1994 NBA Finals in the paint.