Jalopnik Commenter's Cavalier Wagon Comes In 9th At Thunderhill!

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Looking at the top teams of the 24 Hours of LeMons race last weekend, we thought it was great that a Detroit car finished in second place. Of course, Neons make great race cars, so no huge surprise there... but what about an '85 Chevrolet Cavalier wagon finishing in the Top Ten? That's not a typo- a Cavalier finished ninth! Better still, one of the team members is our own commenter Xargs, who was justifiably disappointed that I didn't get any shots of his car at the Altamont LeMons event a few months back.

Xargs sent in some "before" photos of the car- does that look like a dominating race car?


It turns out that a torquey V6 and front-wheel drive do pretty well at the racetrack; this car was contending at Altamont, too, but a tractor tire-versus-oil pan conflict knocked it out of the running at that race. Team Two Wheels Too Many relocated the radiator to the rear of the car, but otherwise it's pretty close to stock.