Their nicknames are "Hans" und "Franz," and yes, they are far from styro-puff faux Austrian bodybuilders. They're NASA's twin Crawler-Transporters; machines that make the run from the hangar to the launch pad for many of America's most important space vehicles. Gobsmacking facts: The duo are the largest self-powered tracked vehicles in the world. Their tracks weigh roughly 450 tons. Just the tracks! They feature sixteen electric motors powered by two diesels pumping out ponies well over the high side of 2,500 just to run the generators. They've been in service for over 40 years, and are only due to be replaced within the next ten. Kevin Nealon and Dana Carvey's characters may have been schmucks, but these two vehicles? Well, they just aren't. Hear us now, believe us later.
Crawler-Transporter [Wikipedia]
Oy, Robot: Asimo Down! Asimo Down! [Internal]