We here at the good ship Jalopnik tend to have eclectic tastes. We like our brown manual diesel wagons, our Ladas, our Urals. Yet, in all our eccentricities and fixations, we might miss out on some knowledge from the wider world: What cars do normal people like?
I’m not talking about the brands non-car people actually buy, since those decisions are largely based around practicality and cost and other such reasonable considerations. I’m talking about the automotive brands that non-car people are enthusiasts for, that they truly get excited about. What car company is most beloved by non-car people?
This question came to me from a conversation with a couple friends, both of whom mentioned Porsche owner channels in their tech-company Slack servers. It’s a strong pick for the question — Porsche owners aren’t universally car people, just people with sufficient money to put towards a car. You could be a fashion person, a luxury person, a tech person, and still adore your Porsche. It seems many do.
In the Jalopnik Slack, though, another strong contender popped up: Jeep. Jeep People are their own breed, with their waving and ducks, and they clearly adore their cars and the brand. But does a Jeep person become a car person through that enthusiasm? Where’s the line?
Leave your pick for the car brand most beloved by non-car people down below. Bonus points for giving some sort of justification, explaining why you picked the brand you did.